Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's not the answers to the whys and wherefores we need when feelings are in play.

Answers, justifications, reasoning work on a different level than what is needed to soothe turbulent thoughts.

- Vigs

Build a holiday resort - in ones mind.

- Vigs

The cheer of spring and the beauty of colorful fall avenues are revealed well before their time ...

... in the somber leafless trees we see during the winter. That is just the framework within and beyond which life will bloom soon. Aspire to do work along the patterns nature has perfected.

- Vigs

Do the kind thing even when it is awkward or otherwise difficult.

Anyone, including those who benefit from it, need not know. Hold the memory close to keep oneself warm.

- Vigs

Friday, February 27, 2009

If this isn't Bizarro world already, many of its inhabitants are here visiting.

Quite possibly starting with number one.

- Vigs

The answers are important in part for the new questions they raise.

Hence, the need for solving problems we find difficult but enjoy and love too much not to work on. Find a way, even if is the long way around.

- Vigs

Gentleness sent out, returns.

- Vigs

Hold close with open arms.

- Vigs

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spending time thinking through ones doubts usually leads to clarity.

... and it usually raises more doubts too. As with many other things, the way to the other side may have its special moments, its challenges and rewards.

- Vigs

Sharpen the mind, not the tongue.

Even though a keen mind is evidenced in the words one uses, know where its cutting edge lies.

- Vigs

Share freely with others the things one values.

Often the things that matter cannot be hoarded, nor given away - they may be shared though.

- Vigs

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It is easy for sweeping statments to cause angry reactions ...

... retaliating in kind - letting the anger cause us to make counter-generalizations about the topic at hand, or about the person, just perpetuates the cycle. Let something positive emerge, even if is is but a gentle inner smile, an armor that protects letting us do the things that are needed. Sometimes, actually quite a few sometimes, the evidence has to prove the truth, not just the words.

- Vigs

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Support a not-for-profit that supports a cause we aspire to achieve ourselves.

Helping someone, those with whom we share the world, reach a modest goal that is of interest to us can be quite fulfilling.

- Vigs

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The spider monkey of Madagascar ...

... the green turtle of the Americas, the orangutan of Asia, and so many others creatures in the world around, depend on the responsibility we bear to their habitat.

- Vigs

Saturday, February 14, 2009

When always meets never ...

Time appears to stand still on one side and to move right along on the other.

- Vigs

Welcome the temptation, it is a way to find the divine.

Unless ones resolve is tested, the real strength of the solution that's supposed to work, really remains unknown. Test how much of what ones feels is need, and how much is the desire for something new. A need may be masked, but has to be met, one way or the other. For the rest the solution likely lies within, a source inextinguishable, meeting one type of fire from without with one from within.

- Vigs

Acknowledging a viewpoint isn't always the same as agreeing with it.

There are often strong emotions held on all sides of an issue, whether we choose to say them aloud or not. Others may not be as reluctant to do so, and in fact the loudest, the sharpest, the angriest words do usually dominate the conversation. Recognizing that there is merit in all viewpoints, even if only in very specific situations, helps one reexamine ones deeply held convictions. Attempts to expand it in all situations, seeking a single solution to a complex problem is likely to fall short. Changing the focus of the speaker's and also one's one words, casting it in a different context or broadening it in a way which makes it comically absurd, renders any sting the words may carry harmless.

- Vigs

Murmer the prayer that speaks to oneself.

It could be something learned or something that bubbles up unbidden.

- Vigs