Thursday, April 24, 2008

Three sets of threes

Our lives have different dimensions - the professional, the personal, the social, the spiritual, ..., the earthy, the divine. Dealing with the ups and downs of the times is far from easy. Mysteriously and hearteningly many others too face the same struggles and joys.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to draw on sources that help anchor us to who we really are. By identifying a handful of rules in each of the dimensions that affect us the most, we might be better able to find ourselves. Not necessarily rules made by someone else, but necessarily those which we can identify with. It might start by considering the dimensions which matter the most. Then, by trial and error, find or develop the rules in each dimension which guide us gently inwards. It could begin with just one set of one, move on to two sets of two, then three sets of threes, or more. Or just the reverse. Be secure in the knowledge that that no matter what other things happen, or what fierce winds might swirl around us, we can continue to chart our course to some pretty joyful places within us.

- Vigs

Saturday, April 12, 2008

To have it all, one needn't have it all

One more hill to scale. One more project to complete. One more big raise to work for. One more work commitment to make. While the seasons change, the blooming flowers give rise to fall splendor unseen. We choose to trade in the joys of things that we trust will be around later, for the satisfaction of things done well now. The balance is hard to find and to keep. Find the balance. Find yourself.

- Vigs

Thursday, April 10, 2008

To place ones head in god's lap

To experience unconditional acceptance, to nestle up and be comforted at the end of a long day, setting aside the feelings that trouble one. That would be nice. Seek the divine joy, whose origins lie in the mists of time and within ourselves.

- Vigs

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Accept oneself by accepting ones feelings

Learning to accept the way the world is, and for gaining our sense of presence in the world asks for acknowledgment of the marvelous, and also of the terrifying realm of feelings within. The feelings which enthrall, frighten, relax, arouse, awe, embarrass, anger, sadden, cheer, warm and more. Including the ambivalent and contradictory feelings we might have about something or someone. Accepting ones feelings, knowing them for what they are at their heights or depths and everywhere else in between, does not require our acting on them. We know ourselves a little bit better each time when we acknowledge these feelings, even if only to ourselves.

- Vigs

The abundant joy of simple pleasures

Taking in the world. There is just so much of it. Ah, all those sights, feel, sounds, scents, tastes of life. Among other things, when we allow the senses to linger over the the simple, gentle, absurd, kooky things - those childish delights those can that fill ones being with joy. Other feelings often crowd out what most already have. The simple joys which bring a touch of smiles and tears and laughter in our lives.

- Vigs