Monday, September 8, 2008

Words which take one to a more peaceful place

How to keep ones compass pointing to a more joyful, a more heavenly place. Turning to passages in divinely inspired texts one need merely to find phrases which speak of the wonder, the rejoicing and the peace that shines through warmly.

- Vigs

Friday, September 5, 2008

On following some of my own words

So many times what may seem like one step forward could actually set one back many many steps. What feels so right at one time, does not hold up for all the conditions we might find ourselves in. And this is for thoughts we think we've already worked out for ourselves. We know little of the circumstances and the background of others, so our words are just another source of input, far from the final word on a topic. Everyone must find the answers to the big questions for ourselves.

- Vigs